"Are you struggling to get pregnant? Are you frustrated, or feeling angry for not being able to conceive despite all your efforts?"

If you answered yes, then let me tell you that I know exactly how you feel, because I personally had gone through the same experience years ago.

I have battled with my so called infertility for more than a decade until I have finally found a cure, got pregnant twice and now am a proud mother of two beautiful healthy children.

If you would like to learn how to reverse infertility and get pregnant quickly and safely... without drugs, without risky surgery, without any typical Infertility treatments, and without any side effects, then this will be the most important letter you will ever read. I guarantee it and I've got the results to prove it! Click Here To Read More...

How to get pregnant after tubal ligation

If you've had your tubes tied, and you now want to have a child, you're not alone. According to Pregnancy Info, as many as 25 percent of women change their minds later in life about having more children. There's good news and bad news about conceiving after tubal ligation. The good news is that many women are able to become pregnant. The bad news is that these women face much lower success rates than women who have not had their tubes tied. There are currently two methods for getting pregnant with your tubes tied.

Step 1
Get your tubes untied. Tubal ligation is a surgery that can be reversed for some women. During this procedure, the fallopian tubes are reconnected, re-establishing the pathway from the ovaries to the uterus. This allows for two-way traffic. The egg can enter the uterus and the sperm can enter the fallopian tubes to reach the egg.

Step 2
Understand factors that contribute to reversal failure. If the remaining, healthy fallopian tubes are not long enough, they may be unable to be reconnected. Similarly, if the remaining tubes are scarred or otherwise damaged, the process may not work. Finally, scar tissue may completely or partially block egg and sperm from meeting. More procedures, like those that try to remove scar tissue, may be necessary.

Step 3
Consider in-vitro fertilization. If your tubal ligation reversal can't be completed, or if you don't want to undergo that surgery, you can attempt in-vitro. During this series of procedures, your eggs (or a donor's eggs) are harvested and fertilized with your partner's or donor's sperm in a laboratory. The fertilized embryos are then inserted into the uterus, bypassing the need for working fallopian tubes.

Step 4
Understand the downsides of in-vitro. The success rate for in-vitro fertilization is low, at only about 10 to 25 percent, according to Baby Med. The procedure is also expensive and often not covered by insurance. Still, many couples have found success with this procedure. Keep trying. Statistically, most couples don't experience success with in-vitro until their third or fourth try.

Realize pregnancy may not occur with your first IVF cycle; like normal conception, pregnancy from IVF isn't a given every time you transfer embryos.

Learn about ovarian hyperstimulation, a serious complication of IVF that may mean you have to freeze all embryos and not do a transfer that month.

How to get pregnant with pcos?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can be linked with fertility problems. Fortunately, women with PCOS have several fertility treatment options that may help them get pregnant and have a healthy baby.

PCOS symptomsPolycystic ovary syndrome is a common hormonal imbalance that can cause many different symptoms including the following:
  •     Ovarian cysts
  •     High levels of insulin
  •     Excessive amounts of male hormones
  •     Ovulation and menstrual problems
  •     Fertility problems
  •     Weight gain
  •     Excess body and facial hair or male pattern baldness
  •     Acne
  •     Anxiety and depression
Due to abnormal hormone levels with PCOS, your eggs may not develop properly and may not fully ripen. This can lead to ovulation disorders and infertility. If you have irregular menstrual cycles or are having trouble getting pregnant, ask your doctor about PCOS infertility testing and treatment.

PCOS infertility treatmentIf you have PCOS and are trying to get pregnant, the following fertility drug treatments may be helpful.

Metformin (Glucophage). To reduce high insulin levels and stabilize your hormones, your doctor may prescribe a medication called metformin. After taking metformin, your ovulation cycles may become more regular.

Clomid (clomiphene citrate). Your doctor may also prescribe the fertility drug clomid to help you conceive, with or without metformin. The combination of clomid with metformin often helps women with PCOS get pregnant more quickly than by just using metformin alone. Some women with PCOS may require a very high dose of Clomid to restore fertility, which can sometimes cause uncomfortable side effects.

Gonadotropins. Gonadotropins are naturally occurring hormones that stimulate your ovaries to release one or more eggs. This medication may help you ovulate if you are not ovulating regularly. Women with PCOS that do not respond to Clomid treatment may benefit from fertility drug treatment with gonadotropins.

If you have PCOS and do not respond to low doses of Clomid, your doctor may also recommend in vitro fertilization (IVF).

PCOS weight loss infertility treatmentIf you have PCOS, you may already be struggling with weight problems and infertility. One of the best natural therapies you can do to boost fertility with PCOS is to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. While a 10 percent reduction in body weight can make a big difference in helping you get pregnant, many women with PCOS find it harder to lose weight than other women.

Get Pregnant With Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Herbal Tampons and Douches One of the major items used in this process is Herbal tampons; Herbal tampons contain active plant chemicals that can help soften scar tissue and adhesions in the fallopian tubes. They are used after menstruation and before ovulation.

Chinese Fertility Massage Techniques There are numerous DVDs for patients, these DVDs shows the demonstration of the exact movements needed to massage the reproductive organs, loosen up fallopian tube adhesions and help the flow of blood, stimulate the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.

Herbal Supplements There are Herbal supplements capsules that each woman takes, these capsules contains an organic mix of herbs that can reduce inflammation in the pelvic organs, fight infections that cause inflammation and supply the body with nutrients needed to heal the fallopian tubes.

Fertility Yoga
While wearing the herbal tampon, every morning patients practice specific yoga asanas, designed to invigorate the reproductive organs, by increasing the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients. Every woman gets her own DVD to keep enhancing these exercises

Stress Relief Enhancers
Stress is a significant cause of unexplained infertility, and can cause the fallopian tubes to spasm. Listening to a CD that helps the brain to achieve a deep level of relaxation can significantly reduce stress levels, and boost fertility.

Body Cleansing
When your body is toxic, it provides a hostile environment for conception to take place. A 28-day detox regime can help women to get rid of toxins that could adversely affect the fallopian tubes, help the body heal itself, and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Nutritional Supplements
Food state vitamins and minerals are easier to digest and absorb, and can provide the body with nutrients needed to repair damaged tissues, such as the delicate mucus membranes of the fallopian tubes.